Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Health Benefits | Citrus maxima

The juicy taste of pomelo or also known as Pummelo or Citrus Maxima, came from the Southeast Asia part of the world, specifically China. Aside from the fact that pomelos are naturally sumptuous to be served as a dessert, fruit snack, or salad inclusion, it is also noteworthy that this fruit was also used as a medicinal fruit back in ancient times. Let us identify pomelo’s different health perks in this article. 

For Aging

Fountain of youth? No, that is a myth. What is factual is the presence of spermidine in foods. This component protects the cell from premature aging and cell damage. Pomelo is also loaded with the same ingredient. It makes the skin naturally youthful and radiant. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

For Blood Pressure

Hypertension is one of the leading conditions among elders. At times, people would have to resort to daily maintenance to ensure they could correctly manage their blood pressure. One way of aiding this health issue is by adding pomelo to the diet. Its potassium content works well in making sure that the blood pressure is at its healthy level. 

For the Bones

Consuming pomelo matched with quality exercise could facilitate the growth and development of healthy bones. The calcium, copper, iron, manganese, and zinc content of pomelo makes this health perk possible. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

For Cramping

Muscle cramps may come from a lack of electrolytes, too much muscle force, and many other factors. One way of dealing with it is by consuming food that is high in potassium, just like a pomelo. 

For Diabetes

The high glycemic index of pomelo helps regulate the blood sugar levels of people with diabetes. Thus, this fruit makes it easier for them to monitor and manage their overall sugar consumption. 

For Weight Loss

As we all know, physique enthusiasts usually aim for highly fibrous food; these are low in carbs, and these food serves as food for the muscles and the entire body. As a highly fibrous food, Pomelo keeps those enthusiasts lean and fit. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

For Digestion

Preventing constipation, avoiding hemorrhoids, and getting rid of constipation will not be in the scene with enough fiber supply. We all know that green leafy vegetables are rich in this content. But there are also fruits, like pomelo, that can advantageously provide the exact fiber supply in the body. 

For Fighting Against Cancer cells

The polysaccharides of pomelo peels also serve an additional health benefit, fighting against cancer cells. Specific cancer cells that post the risks of tumor growth are the primary target of pomelo. Cancer relative to the lungs, pancreas, and prostate is also covered. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

For the Gums

Healthy gums? Yes! That is also one health perk of Pomelo. The ascorbic acid present in this fruit prevents the development of gingivitis. Because of this, not only the gums but also the teeth are protected. 

For the Hair

Of course, one of the great health perks of pomelo is ensuring that our crowning glory and hair are always healthy. When the hair is healthy, it tends to be more silky and beautiful. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

For the Heart

The antioxidants, ascorbic acid, and flavonoids power of pomelo make it ideal for lowering lousy cholesterol. When this happens, the development of cardiovascular diseases will be lessened. Until now, scientists are still exploring the possibilities of pomelo being a rich fruit in keeping the heart healthy. 

For the Immune System

Killing the microbes inside the body due to free and harmful radicals is more accessible when the body is enriched with powerful antioxidants like Vitamin C. It helps the body eliminate any unusual microbes lurking around the body, preventing the development of possible diseases. 

For Infections

The antibacterial and antifungal properties present in pomelo make it helpful in aiding infections, either internal or external. It gives the body the natural capacity to fight an existing illness, leading to fewer worse conditions. 

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

Drug Interaction

Patients taking anti-cancer, anticoagulant, antihypertensive, and cytochrome P450 should consult their respective doctors before fully including pomelo into their meal plan. It might interact negatively with current medication. So, further consultation is needed. 

Being loaded with minerals, nutrients, and vitamins, Pomelos are an excellent source of many health benefits. So, enjoy this juicy and sweet fruit while enjoying its health privileges.  

Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima


  • Caengprasath, N., Ngamukote, S., Mäkynen, K., & Adisakwattana, S. (2013). The protective effects of pomelo extract (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) against fructose-mediated protein oxidation and glycation. EXCLI journal12, 491–502.
  • Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima
  • Ali, M. Y., Rumpa, N. N., Paul, S., Hossen, M. S., Tanvir, E. M., Hossan, T., Saha, M., Alam, N., Karim, N., Khalil, M. I., & Gan, S. H. (2019). Antioxidant Potential, Subacute Toxicity, and Beneficiary Effects of Methanolic Extract of Pomelo (Citrus grandis L. Osbeck) in Long Evan Rats. Journal of Toxicology2019, 2529569. https://doi.org/10.1155/2019/2529569
  • Nie, Z., Wan, C., Chen, C., & Chen, J. (2019). Comprehensive Evaluation of the Postharvest Antioxidant Capacity of Majiayou Pomelo Harvested at Different Maturities Based on PCA. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)8(5), 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox8050136
  • Reshmi, S. K., Sudha, M. L., & Shashirekha, M. N. (2017). Paranthas’s starch digestibility and glycemic index supplemented with Citrus maxima (Burm.) Merr. Fruit segments. Journal of food science and technology54(13), 4370–4377. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-017-2909-9
  • Kumar, D., Ladaniya, M. S., & Gurjar, M. (2019). Underutilized Citrus sp. Pomelo (Citrus grandis) and Kachai lemon (Citrus jambhiri) exhale in phytochemicals and antioxidant potential. Journal of food science and technology56(1), 217–223. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-018-3477-3
Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima
Pomelo Benefits on Health | Citrus maxima

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