Philodendron Pink Princess Plant Guide

Plant Care: Philodendron Pink Princess

The Philodendron Pink Princess is indeed a beauty to behold. It is perhaps one of the most beautiful home plants that require very minimal care. Yes, with a beauty like this, there is no need for you to worry about constantly tending to it because so long as you follow simple guidelines on how to take care of it, it will continue to grow into a gorgeous and vibrant plant. This plant grows either in pots or in a hanging basket, whichever is convenient for you and your intended space. What makes this plant unique compared to other plants is its bright burgundy leaves with patches of pink – making it worthy of its name, the Pink Princess. 

Fertilizers as Boosters

Liquid fertilizer with micro and macronutrients can feed your Pink Princess its much-needed nutrition. During the growing season, fertilizing your plant every four weeks is the best idea. When the cold season hits, stop making use of fertilizers. 

Philodendron Pink Princess Plant Guide


As a tropical plant, the Philodendron Pink Princess loves humidity. To get the moisture it needs, you can mist the leaves, use room humidifiers, put pebble tray humidifiers, or the more natural approach will be to group houseplants together in one area. These are just some things that you can do to help your plant get the needed humidity. 

Soil Requirement

A combination of peat soil with perlite can help your plant hold enough moisture. The soil should be able to provide the needed nutrients of the plants while making sure that it is not too soggy. For as long as the soil is moist enough, there is nothing to worry about because the plant can thrive. 

Philodendron Pink Princess Plant Guide

Sun Exposure

The use of filtered light works well with Philodendron Pink Princess. This will make your plant thrive without worrying about damaging the leaves. Leaves turning yellow is an indication that it is getting too much sunlight more than it needs. This is the reason why keeping this plant indoors and far from doors and windows is highly recommended. 


The Philodendron Pink Princess can thrive at an average room temperature. The best-recommended temperature will be about 16°C – 29°Celcius (60°F – 84°Fahrenheitt). A higher temperature than this can also help your plant grow better. Do not put the plant on direct heat nor cold drafts. 

PPP on Chole Brown Jar

Watering Guide

Checking if the top one to two inches of the soil is dry is the best habit in watering your Pink Princess. If these areas are dry, then it is time for some watering. Be cautious as well in avoiding overwatering, for it can cause rotting of the roots. If the plant consistently looks dry, it may indicate rotting roots or the presence of pests. 

The Philodendron Pink Princess is ready to give your home an aesthetic and refreshing vibe. So, take good care of it, and you will be surprised at how its unique colors can add up to your daily doses of happiness.  

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