Plant Care: Philodendron Billietiae
The wavy massive ridged edges of Philodendron Billietiae give an appealing vibe to any space – either for your home, office or even outdoors. Though lots of plant lovers out there would like to grow this kind of plant, they do not most of the time right away give it a shot because they tend to misinterpret this beautiful plant as over-sensitive. Thus, needing lots of attention and care. Well, though that may be partly true, I want to encourage you to give Philodendron Billietiae a chance in your home. You will be surprised that with enough care, you will see this fresh plant grow and lush.
Fertilizers as Boosters
The Philodendron Billietiae needs a TLC (tender-loving-care) from the use of slow-release fertilizers once in a while. I mean that this is suggested to be done at least once every two to three months. If possible, you may also use a foliage plant organizer every four to six weeks. If it is the summer or dry season, you may follow the suggested use of fertilizers above. When the season changes into the cold months, then you can stop using these fertilizers altogether.

Humidity and Temperature
This plant thrives in an average to high humidity. If the plant is indoor, you can use pebble trays with water to help the plant get the needed humidity. If also possible, the use of humidifiers may do the same function. Average room temperature will work well with Philodendron Billietiae. If it is positioned outdoors and is the cold season, then it is time for you to vacate it indoors since it may not like the cold temperature outside.
Soil Requirement
A soil combined with peat, perlite, and vermiculate can help your Philodendron Billietiae get its proper soil nutrients. It keeps the consistency of the soil wet but not too saggy. This soil drains quickly, making it less prone to root rotting while ensuring that the needed humidity and hydration of the plant remains.

Sun Exposure
The most recommended sun or light exposure for your Philodendron Billietiae is bright yet indirect light. If it is outdoors, have it covered with other bigger plants. Indoors, you can put it in a place where it cannot be touched directly by the sun. Too much sun exposure can lead to the edges of the leaves turning dry and yellow.
Watering Guide
The Philodendron Billietiae is prone to root rot. To prevent this, you have to avoid overwatering it. This plant loves the moist but not-soaked type of watering. If the first two inches of the soil is dry, then it is time to water it. If it is moist, then try the following day again. As you water, wait for the water to reach the holes to drain.
With the proper care, your Philodendron Billietiae can give your space the much-needed fresh and lush vibe feeling. Who knows? With its beauty, this might just become your next favorite plant at home. Good luck!

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