Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

Foods High in Antioxidants

List of Popular Foods High in Antioxidants

Antioxidants are a crucial part of the body system. Without it, it will be difficult for the body to be healthy in general. Its absence hinders the existence of a robust immune system capable of blocking possible diseases and developing chronic and degenerative conditions like cancer and heart disease. So, we do our best to eat foods rich in this beneficial substance. With the many foods out there, we have to figure out which one is best suitable for us.  


Artichokes are also rich in this beneficial substance. Because of this content, the heart, liver, and gut are protected. More so, the reduction of bad cholesterol was said to be observed based on research. One important thing to note is that the way it is cooked may also increase its antioxidant content. Steaming can increase its antioxidants 15 times. On the other hand, boiling it can increase it eight times. This is possible due to the breaking of cell walls due to cooking. 


Beans are high in substances that stop oxidation in the body, dietary fiber, and protein. Some of its exceptional health perks include fewer risks of inflammation and reduced risks of developing conditions like cancer-related to the bladder, breast, kidney, and lungs. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

Antioxidant-Rich Foods 


Beets are loaded with fiber, folate, iron, and potassium – all of these are responsible for reducing possible inflammation. Its pigment, called betalains, is the primary source of antioxidants in this food source. These betalains help in preventing conditions like colon cancer and digestive problems. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts


Studies suggest that blueberries are high in antioxidants and, at the same time, low in calories. Some of its discovered perks include possible help in coping with neurological conditions, fighting inflammation, lowering bad cholesterol and blood pressure, and lowering developing heart-related ailments.

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

Antioxidant-Rich Foods 

Dark Chocolates

Not only are dark chocolates delicious, but they also hold numerous health advantages brought by their antioxidants and nutrient contents. These include more maintained blood pressure, fewer risks of developing heart ailments, decreased inflammation, and boosting good cholesterol. 


The red kale is higher in terms of antioxidants than the green one since it contains anthocyanin brought by its pigment. Generally speaking, kale reduces oxidative stress in the body while protecting the cells from harmful radicals. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts
Foods High in Antioxidants

Orange Vegetables

Orange vegetables like acorn squash, butternut squash, carrots, and sweet potatoes are loaded with phytochemicals, which allow the body to maintain a healthy heart and prevent the possible growth of cancer cells. 


Pecans are loaded with antioxidants, calories, good fats, and minerals. So, a lot of people can take advantage of this food source. Chewing the raw version of it may increase one’s chances of getting rid of heart ailments due to lowering the bad cholesterol. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts
Foods High in Antioxidants

Purple or Red Grapes

The anthocyanin and proanthocyanin contents of purple or red grapes, as claimed by research, suggest that it helps battle diseases like heart ailments and cancer. At the same time, these food sources are also equipped with selenium and Vitamin C. 


One of the observed health benefits of raspberries concerning its antioxidant content is that it can destroy viable cancer cells and tumor growth, especially those that target the breast, colon, and stomach. So, those people who have high risks of developing these conditions may try giving raspberries a shot. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

Antioxidant-Rich Foods 

Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is an excellent source of the above-mentioned beneficial substance, Vitamins C and K. Its color is also attributed to its anthocyanin content that produces antioxidants. Studies suggest that some of its benefits include reduced inflammation, fewer cancer risks, preventing heart ailments, managing diabetes, and promoting weight control. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts


Lutein and zeaxanthin are substances that inhibit oxidation are present in spinach. It facilitates healthy eyesight. In the long run, this green leafy vegetable helps the eyes, in general, prevent the possible development of macular degeneration diseases. 

Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts

Antioxidant-Rich Foods 


The bright red color of strawberries is possible due to their anthocyanin content, which is also loaded with the beneficial substance mentioned in this article. It can reduce bad cholesterol and generally help in keeping the heart healthy. Plus, this fruit is easy to integrate into any meal. Consume it as it is, or mix it with cereals or smoothies, and you are good to go. 

There are a lot of food that out there that can serve as antioxidant providers and boosters. The next time you head to the grocery, do not forget to include some of these fruits and vegetables on your list.


  • Wilson, D. W., Nash, P., Buttar, H. S., Griffiths, K., Singh, R., De Meester, F., Horiuchi, R., & Takahashi, T. (2017). The Role of Food Antioxidants, Benefits of Functional Foods, and Influence of Feeding Habits on the Health of the Older Person: An Overview. Antioxidants (Basel, Switzerland)6(4), 81.
  • Benzie IF, Choi SW. Antioxidants in food: content, measurement, significance, action, cautions, caveats, and research needs. Adv Food Nutr Res. 2014;71:1–53. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-800270-4.00001-8
  • Antioxidant Rich Foods 
  • Benzie IF, Wachtel-Galor S. Increasing the antioxidant content of food: a personal view on whether this is possible or desirable. Int J Food Sci Nutr. 2012;63 Suppl 1:62–70. doi:10.3109/09637486.2011.621934
  • Szeto YT, Tomlinson B, Benzie IF. Total antioxidant and ascorbic acid content of fresh fruits and vegetables: implications for dietary planning and food preservation. Br J Nutr. 2002;87(1):55–59. doi:10.1079/BJN2001483
  • van der Schaft N, Schoufour JD, Nano J, et al. Dietary antioxidant capacity and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus, prediabetes and insulin resistance: the Rotterdam Study. Eur J Epidemiol. 2019;34(9):853–861. doi:10.1007/s10654-019-00548-9
Foods High in Antioxidants | Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts
Foods High in Antioxidants

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