List of Edible Flowers

Flowers are adorable! Imagine, with the colors, scent, and perfect arrangement, who will not fall in love with flowers? But then, flowers are more than artificial displays! There are specific types of flowers that are edible. At the same time, these flowers also bring good health perks.

Edible Flowers

Edible Flowers


Are you experiencing a problematic cough or sore throat? Borage flowers can help you with that! Adding it as a garnish in preparing a cocktail, salad, sauce, and soup will blend its taste well. For some, they also like taking this flower alone, not with any other ingredients.

Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers


If you are one of those going through anxiety or having a hard time sleeping at night, getting chamomile extract can significantly be helpful. Its section has a natural relaxing property making it easier for you to feel calm and sleep better.

Edible Flowers


Looking like tiny yellow daisies, dandelion is more than its bright yellow sunshine! Considered as a weed, dandelion is loaded with nutrients. You have the option to take it either raw or cooked. Including dandelion in preparing jelly food or dropping it in a wine will be fine.

Edible Flowers


I think you’ve heard of the concept of hibiscus tea! This fantastic flower that grows in a warm climate area may also be eaten raw. But if you choose to turn it into a drink, then I suggest that you go for that option. Hibiscus is also known to have a positive impact on blood pressure and cholesterol.

Edible Flowers


For a very long time, honeysuckle has been known to be used in various aiding medical conditions. Using it as a skin applicant is the best way to reduce possible rashes and skin inflammation.

Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers


The vibrant purple color and scent of lavender bring so much freshness to any place. More than that, it is also edible! Please include it in preparing a salad paired with berries, citrus, and herbs. Its aroma will blend well with the rest of the ingredients.

Edible Flowers


The combined spicy and a bit peppery taste of nasturtium is what makes it unique. It has natural antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Including this flower in a salad will be the best meal inclusion.

Edible Flowers


The pansy flower s also loaded with antioxidants, making it an excellent radical buster. Not to mention, this also works as an inclusion in preparing any dessert out there. You may also opt to include it in a bowl of salad.


These tiny yellow flowers may be taken both raw or cooked. It has a generous amount of omega-3 fat. So, no need to feel guilty about making as much as this flower because this is good for you and your body.

Edible Flowers


Yes! Even the ever-romantic rose flower is edible! Grinding the petals and adding them to a beverage will make its unique flavor stand out. So, this flower is not just useful as a romantic bouquet but also as a romantic drink.

Edible Flowers

Squash Blossom

Squash may be added to a salad. Another way of eating this is to put it inside the oven together with cheese and wait for it until the petals get crispy. I’m telling you, you’re going to like it as much as you want the squash.

Edible Flowers

Blue Ternatea (Clitoria Ternatea )

This flower has long been used in Ayurvedic and Chinese Medicine. It is known to be a brain memory enhancer and boosting food. The flower is known for its calmative agent and anti-stress property agents. 

 In some animal studies, this flower has been discovered to have antioxidants, peptides, and flavonoids. 

 Banana Blossom

The next time you think of flowers as “just” ornaments, I urge you to think about it as a food alternative; after all, these flowers grow in plants, and they have a unique set of properties that are helpful in the body.

Edible Flowers
Edible Flowers

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