Anti-Aging Foods | Fruits and Vegetables
Anti-Aging Foods Fruits, Vegetables

Fruits and Vegetables With Anti-Aging Foods

Do you experience having a hard time thinking about your aging process? Yes, many individuals who run through the street daily are conscious about their skin and body figure. How about you? Do you have any practices that you usually do to prevent unwanted fine lines and wrinkles and even the loss of your body volume? If you still do not have anything to deal with those problems, try variations of foods that will be discussed later.

Food is one of the needs of human beings for us to have proper nourishment, providing us a healthy and sound body. These will protect us from different microorganisms or infections that can be acquired from our surroundings. Additionally, it will not only make us physically fit but also make our minds in tip-top condition considering our satisfaction rate after eating delicious and mouthwatering meals. Here is the list of the foods that you can include in your diet to prevent undesirable aging.

List of Anti-Aging (Foods) Fruits and Vegetables


Soaps are one of the most purchased products worldwide, and some of these soaps are made of papaya. Are you aware that papaya has vitamins A, C, K, and E? As well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins? Well, these components can assist your body in shedding dead skin cells. Also, it can delay the signs of aging, like wrinkles and fine lines.

Beans and Lentils

Lentils are consist of vitamin B9 that is effectively great in preventing the graying process of your hair and even balding for men. On the other hand, both beans and lentils have the more-than-enough protein that will give your body the energy you need. 


Berries are popular worldwide, and these can easily be purchased on the market with different varieties. While berries provide an essential supply of antioxidants, blueberries are worth it to be your focus. This kind of berry has phytochemicals that reduce the chance of having cancers, the development of vascular diseases, and neurodegenerative diseases of getting old. Blueberries can lessen the severity of the specific condition.

 Anti-Aging Foods | Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods


Comfort food of the Millennials? Avocado is the answer, of course. It combats the aging of your body by fighting the inflammation to make your immune system, brain, and body more functional. 


Children don’t want the taste of broccoli, but we adults need to have an intake of it to boost the sharpness of our mind, and since this plant has lutein, it can enable us to perform better mental cognition and tasks that need intelligence. 


Cancer-fighting properties and vitamin A carrots are popular because of these components. It is great for the health of your skin and its elasticity. The parts of the carrots can also restore and regenerate the collagen in our body. 


According to some resources, cilantro can reduce the risk of having cancer cells and cardiovascular diseases due to its phytochemical components that suppress cholesterol synthesis and the growth of tumors in the body. 

Cooked Tomatoes

There are lots of products made with tomatoes and consuming these will give you wonderful changes that you will not surely regret afterward. Tomatoes, when cooked, contain more anti-aging properties that can lessen your anxiety about your unwanted wrinkles. It is rich in lycopene, that the skin needs to be protected from any damage. 


If you badly worry about your skin and want to go back to when your skin was softer and had no signs of wrinkles, edamame is the key. According to a study, edamame can help in improving the unwanted fine lines and wrinkles that happen to rest on your skin. 


Figs are rich in flavonoids and polyphenols; that’s why they help remove free radicals from skin cells and help to slow down the aging of your skin, making you glow even more.

Protein is one of our body’s necessities, and by eating lean beef, we can maintain the proper nutrients that our body needs. Consumption of protein can also maintain the collagen of the body, which makes us young and healthy.

 Anti-Aging Foods | Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods

Lemon and Lime

There are many DIY skin remedies that you can use that involve the use of lemon or lime. Lemon and lime can clear excessive wrinkles, which make you anxious and stressed. Keeping your skin smooth by drinking water with lemon and lime juice is a great way to start taking care of your golden years. According to a study in the United Kingdom, the increase in vitamin C intake will improve the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and dark and dull skin, especially in middle-aged women. 

Dark Chocolate

Dark Chocolates are from the fruit, Cacao. Based on a study written in Frontiers in Immunology, regular dark chocolate consumption will have a great positive effect on your body. Anti-aging compounds can be found in cocoa and dark chocolates like polyphenols exerting antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, providing you healthy skin and body. This compound also induces nitric oxide, which protects your heart’s health.

Manuka Honey

Technically this food does not belong to the fruits and vegetable group, but honey is taken mostly from flowers and trees, hence the inclusion of this food in the list.

Being an off-center and outlandish type of honey, you are undoubtedly not aware of this. However, I bet that you’ve crossed paths with manuka honey in different cosmetic products. It boosts cytokine production, making the body fight off the pathogens trying to invade it. If applied directly, it can help rejuvenate your skin and increase your body’s immunity against harmful pollutants.

 Anti-Aging Foods | Fruits and Vegetables
Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods


Mushrooms are ingredients to different dishes around the continents. However, the best mushroom that you can consume is the shiitake mushroom that is high in copper. Shiitake mushrooms can counteract the graying process of your hair during your aging. 


Nuts are well-known for their ability to fight off aging, and the good things about it are you can easily purchase this food anywhere in the near market around you. To consume the needed amount for your aging problem, you need to measure at least one to two ounces of nuts a day. You can mix different kinds of nuts like almonds, cashew, pecan, pistachio, and many more. These nuts are full of phytosterols, protein, and cholesterol-reducing fiber fit for your diet.


Oatmeal is a well-known breakfast around the world, and taking a bowl of it is more than satisfying. Oatmeal is rich in zinc and iron that boost the growth of your nail and hair.


Olive consumption will provide you with a plentiful supply of polyphenols and phytonutrients in your body. These components of olives help your DNA and offer you a significant amount of energy that you will need for a day. 

Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods


As mentioned in the lemon and lime section, an increase in vitamin C-rich citrus fruit consumption will help you get rid of the signs of aging, and another fruit that you can eat is the well-known orange. It will boost your collagen production, causing your skin to feel elastic, dewy, and younger-looking. Note that the vitamin C component of any citrus fruit can increase your immune system productivity.


Are you a fan of green veggies? If yes, include watercress in your salads to prevent your aging process, for it consists of anti-aging chemicals like vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, and K that will make your skin fresh and smooth.

Olive Oil

According to research, those who indulge in the amount of olive oil are highly preventable of having unwanted blemishes and wrinkles. The nitro fatty acids can also neutralize the blood pressure that the olive oil consists of.

Sesame Seeds

An increase in sesame seed consumption will result in healthy bones, especially in your early retirement age. Sesame seed is packed with calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and fiber intended for making your bones healthy and actively strong. 

Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods


Fresh fruits are the best to maintain healthy skin and an excellent volume of the body. Fruits will give you enough supply of nutrients that your body needs, and one of these fruits is pineapple. Pineapples can protect one’s skin from aging, and this is one of the best anti-aging foods you can buy on the market. It has multiple beneficial contents like fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, testosterone, vitamin B, and phosphorus. These nutrients work together to prevent your organs from having severe illnesses.

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are commonly known as the comfort food of some artists in Korea, and their notable key on their young and soft image is sweet potato. Sweet potato is packed with Vitamin A that revitalizes the collagen production of our body, wiping away the wrinkles and fine lines. This can also significantly help in brightening your skin complexion.


Turmeric can peel back the enamel of your teeth, and if you have a problem getting back the health of your teeth, you can use turmeric in brushing your teeth for three consecutive days in a month and observe the changes. 

Pomegranate seeds

Smoothies and salads are often consumed by those who are highly sensitive about their diet. Observing the benefit of pomegranate seeds can increase the body’s ability to preserve collagen and makes your skin look even younger.

Fruits, Vegetables Anti-Aging Foods

Red Bell Pepper

Spicy is kind of a challenging food for us, and red bell pepper is an excellent ingredient for various dishes. Red bell peppers are loaded with vitamin C and carotenoids that help our skin to be protected from UV rays, toxins, and pollution around us. 


Saffron has carotenoid phytonutrients crocin and crocetin that limit the body from excessive eating and depression. It also can prevent the growth of tumors in the body. 


Do you have a problem with your skin and hair hydration? You can plant spinach and consume it for your benefit. It consists of various vitamins and minerals that can help your diet to become useful for your goal.


According to some studies, water is the best to maintain the freshness of our muscles and skin, but are you tired of drinking unflavored water? Do not worry; you can consume watermelon as a substitute for it. It will boost your intake of water and keep your skin firm and fresh. Watermelon also has lycopene that protects the skin from the UV rays, which can damage its outer layer.

You have it all now. You can choose among the foods above which you can include in your diet. Any unwanted effects on your body call for the immediate help of a professional. Nothing is wrong with trying and wanting to go back to your younger days. Although we know that we will all grow old, we also need to take care of our bodies not because we want to look good in the eyes of others but from our perspective. Consume but limit. Maintain the proper amount of nutrients needed by your body. Excessive intake of things is not always yield good results. Enjoy and stay young and healthy!



Silke K. Schagen,  Vasiliki A. Zampeli  ,   Evgenia Makrantonaki, and Christos C. Zouboulis  ,Discovering the link between nutrition and skin aging, doi: 10.4161/derm.22876, doi: 10.4161/derm.22876

Zoe Diana Draelos, Nutrition and enhancing youthful-appearing skin, DOI: 10.1016/j.clindermatol.2010.03.019

M C Meinke 1A FriedrichK TscherchS F HaagM E DarvinH VollertN GrothJ LademannS Rohn, Influence of dietary carotenoids on radical scavenging capacity of the skin and skin lipids, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpb.2012.11.012

Rajni DhalariaRachna Verma,Dinesh Kumar,Sunil PuriAshwani Tapwal,Vinod Kumar,Eugenie Nepovimova,and Kamil Kuca, Bioactive Compounds of Edible Fruits with Their Anti-Aging Properties: A Comprehensive Review to Prolong Human Life, doi: 10.3390/antiox9111123

Maja Kozarski  , Anita Klaus  , Dragica Jakovljevic  , Nina Todorovic  , Jovana Vunduk  , Predrag Petrović  , Miomir Niksic  , Miroslav M Vrvic , Leo van Griensven  , Antioxidants of Edible Mushrooms, DOI: 10.3390/molecules201019489

Rajni DhalariaRachna Verma ,Dinesh Kumar ,Sunil PuriAshwani TapwalVinod KumarEugenie Nepovimova and Kamil Kuca, Bioactive Compounds of Edible Fruits with Their Anti-Aging Properties: A Comprehensive Review to Prolong Human Life,

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