Air purifying plants. Pollution is around us, especially if you live in a city with tall buildings surrounding your place. Living in these kinds of sites can have unwanted side effects on the people living in them. These side effects can be the loss of the air pathway to reach each residing in the place. Lacking the proper wind flow can lead to pollution within the building or house that can cause some sickness like asthma or sick building syndrome.

Every piece of furniture or material inside our house carries different types of pathogens and eliminates these threats. We need to secure air flow inside our homes to prevent other diseases within the area.



NASA discovered in 1989 that houseplants could withstand pollution and other harmful toxins from the air. These plants can clear the air, especially those enclosed places with a small amount of air flowing. The latest studies refer to this as a reference for plants and their ability to clean the air. Considering the availability of plants, it is more efficient, natural, cost-effective, and therapeutic to someone who chooses to take a plant indoors.

These plants can increase the mood and productivity of an individual. It is also said that having a plant in your room can boost your memory and challenge your concentration. If you are having a hard time, these plants can also relieve your stress and fatigue every time you spend a moment with these greeny-mini natural and unique air purifiers.


If you have pet animals inside your house, you may want to reconsider buying a plant. Because of plants’ chemical and biological components, some of these can be harmful and toxic to your pets. You may ask for assistance regarding your situation in the nearby clinic because allergies and safety are not easy to deal with. 

Increasing the number of plants within your house can also increase the number of molds growing on your home because of the effect of the plants in the humidity inside an area. There are simple ways to prevent and remove molds, like letting the water drain on a tray. You can also use sub-irrigation planters if needed.


Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Areca [ Air purifying plants ]


Areca Palms [Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens]

Can you believe that this small plant can be found in Madagascar? Yes! And it is easier to outgrow this plant outside. However, you can still plant this indoors if you have bright filtered lights. Its arching leaves will add more aesthetic effects inside your room. It can also eliminate benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and other toxic chemicals that are indeed trapped inside your space. The other good thing about this plant is it is not harmful to your pets. You can put this anywhere. To prevent it from dying, ensure that it receives a lot of water, except during winter.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Chrysanthemums [ Air purifying plants ]

Chrysanthemums [Chrysanthemum Morifolium]

This plant is well-known for being the right air purification plant. Mums are ranked first for air purification in vast arrays of households. They are said to clearing the toxins that people usually deal with, including ammonia. Take note that this plant can only bloom once in six weeks. The flowers of this plant are necessary for purifying the air. If you have a problem waiting, you can buy a new plant with a flower. Always notice the moisture of the plant and leave it damp. Mums, even having an attractive name, you should be strictly pulling your pets around from it because this plant is toxic for them. It can eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and, as I said, ammonia.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Dracaenas [ Air purifying plants ]


This houseplant has different variations like having a different shape, size, and even color. To keep it growing, make sure that the soil is damp, but always remember that it should not be soggy. Excessive water can lead to the death of the plant. Do not let your pets eat dracaenas because it can make them vomit or salivate more, worst. They’ll have dilated pupils. It decreases the amount of formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, and trichloroethylene roaming around your house.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Golden Pothos [ Air purifying plants ]

Golden Pothos [Epipremnum Aureum]

Golden Pothos is devil’s ivy that plant lovers and garden wanderers always seek. It can grow up to 8 feet long, and many individuals consider it one of the most effective air purifiers. Constantly water the dry soil, then trim the tendrils growing when the plant increases in size. It would be best if you did not also let your pets have this as much as possible; keep it out of the reach of your loving pets. Golden Pothos can lessen the amount of formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, carbon monoxide, and more toxins inside your home.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Spider Plant [ Air purifying plants ]

Spider Plant [Chlorophytum Comosum]

Spider Plants are also known as air plants that reproduce in a basket hanging in your space. It yields lovely white floral blooms, and it is desirable. This plant has 200 varieties, some of which are unfamiliar to us. Taking care of this plant needs to have a watering schedule of twice or thrice a week. This plant is safe and non-toxic. If ever there are instances that children are playing around, letting it hang on the rear window or in any part of your room can make it more beneficial. It removes formaldehyde and xylene.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
Bamboo Palms [ Air purifying plants ]


Bamboo Palms [Chamaedorea Seifrizil]

This plant is known for its distinctive elegance and its incredible height. The perfect place for this plant is a lighted area but not get a direct hit from the sun rays. Bamboo palms also require multiple preferences in taking care of them. However, it can improve the air’s moisture content despite having a long time of caring. Leave the plant’s soil moist so that it won’t die quickly. You must also put it inside a space where the air moves freely. Spider mites are the frequent antagonist in the bamboo palms story, so you must mist it daily. It is safe for pets, and the good thing about it is you can enjoy your time with plants and animals. This plant can quickly eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, chloroform, and many more toxins.

Aglaonema [ Air purifying plants ]

Chinese Evergreen [Aglaonema]

These evergreens are native to the forests of Asia. It is not only attractive but can also remove toxins that can be found in the air. However, it would be best to be more careful and attentive in taking care of this plant. Water it daily and let the compost dry out before watering it again. Chinese evergreen is hard to maintain because of the need for it humidity, misting, and even repotting. These plants are toxic for your dogs, so keep them away from their reach. It can eliminate carbon monoxide, benzene, and other toxins.

Air Purifying Plants for Better Living
English Ivy [ Air purifying plants ]

English Ivy [Hedera Helix]

This is another climbing plant that is best for adapting to indoor conditions. It has different varieties, from bright but indirect light to low-light spaces. You can put it on a basket and hang it or display it around your windowsill. Don’t forget to water it during its growth; this needs more attention than you expected, but you can lessen the water around winter days. It can cause problems for animals; not only that, but it can also cause allergies or dermatitis for those who have sensitive skin.

Rubber Tree [ Air purifying plants ]

Rubber Plants [Ficus Elastic]

Rubber plants originated in India, and their roots can grow upwards. It can be attached to a plant’s trunk, making different shapes. They must have bright light, filtered, and more than much attention. Keep the soil moist (especially during winter), and don’t forget to trim them to make them more attractive. Rubber plants are, yes, toxic for your pets, so keep them out of their reach. 

There are many ways to purify the air flowing around your house, and plants are only one of these. You can keep your floor clean, reducing the humidity and increasing the ventilation of your place. Please do not rely on plants; they can also help you spend time at something productive and organic. Take a step now and look for plants to keep the air inside your area fresh for a new beginning! 



  1. Jheeve Dhalin M. Iligan 2F3

    Many people started to buy different ornamental plants. Just like in chapter 1, Happiness comes from letting values decide your behaviour and goals. Because its pandemic, some of them have no time to hang around somewhere. So they try to take their attention to ornamental plants that also trends this days. Maybe it makes them happy so thats why they’re buying some beautiful ornamental plants.

  2. Queenie Mae Gargallano 2F3

    Yes it is a part of our value system.

    Pollution influences this behavior especially if you live in a city with standing tall buildings surrounding your place.

    Houseplants could hold on to the pollution and other harmful toxins from the air. These plants can clear the air, especially those enclosed places with a small amount of air flowing.

    It is more efficient, natural, cost-effective, and therapeutic to someone who chooses to take a plant indoors.

    These plants can increase the mood and productivity of an individual. It is also said that having a plant in your room can boost your memory and challenge your concentration.

  3. Crystal Gail B. Gavileno

    Many people started to buy and collect ornamental plants during this pandemic because it is a way for them to unwind and de-stress. Some people tend to buy and collect plants in order to hop on to the trend but for some they are doing it to avoid boredom, anxiety, depression, etc. It is a way for some people to have something to do and keep their mind off things. I observed that their are people who likes to talk with their plants, and upon asking them, they told me that they treat their plants like a friend or a colleague. They also stated that the joy they achieve when their plants grows healthy is beyond measurable. For me, we can say that this behavior is part of our Value system because if we think deeper about the actions of our fellow person it can mean something because value system is different for each people. Somehow, the value system of each individual is influenced from where they came from.

  4. Kimberly F. Betic BSIT 2F3

    When Pandemic came all our habbits suddenly changed from work and our house, because of the oandemic it is strictly forbidden to go out and most of us do nothing, one of the thing that entertained us then was social media may entertaining we will see and makes us something in our house and one of that is the plants became a hit.
    The trend of plants is one of the way we do not get bored in our home, it is also a way of daily activities then and because of this many people collecting diffrent types of ornamental plants. In the midst of pandemic we find a created way to help our environment even if it is small such as planting differents kind of plants. The growth of plants not only makes our home beautiful it also gives comfort to our home . The value of plants in our society is how we wlvalue the things or whatever it is in our life we give it attention and care just like us we also talk to it so that it will also bloom beautifully, the something that we value it will also has a quality to give us beautiful too, like today the plants are still sprouting and many of us have sprouted in life just because of the plants. Collecting ornamental plants is one of the good qualities that give our home good vibes also it removes the negativities in our house because the plant give it a positive attraction and bring us a good lifestyle to our home, so many are excited back then to collect plants because they are one of the happeness of our family that we became a part of our family in our house, plants give us a light during pandemic even we faces different trials in our life.

  5. Khien D. Torreña BSIT 2-F3

    Yes, this element is part of the value system. Many individuals became bored when Covid 19 began, and many people are unemployed as a result of the pandemic. So many people have their own ways for obtaining money in order to survive. When ornamental plants become popular, people begin to collect them, as well as other things from other countries, and sell them here in the Philippines (like just my friend). There are so many types of decorative plants that might be sold for a greater price. Others share it on social media or they also do live selling on Facebook. and i believe there is nothing wrong in that because
    Many people survive in this type of behavior.

  6. King Ruben D. Sales 2F3

    Buying and collecting plants will always be part of our values system. Because people especially the women love planting and gardening to make their garden beautiful. And plants are also therapeutic and people can use it as a coping mechanism to avoid having anxiety knowing that the pandemic is still hitting us.

  7. In my opinion yes, it is part of our value system cause all we know plants ang very important in all aspects it give as food, shelter, and anything that can help us.
    Influence the behavior is the fellow people who are doing, buying, and collecting plants. And specially this time of pandemic.

  8. Reyes Efren John A.

    In some ways, this behavior is part of our value system; for me, it is a priority in the sense that I am considering my self or my mental health; if this plant can help me release my stress and anxiety, why not? It is a matter of self-discipline and understanding one’s own boundaries and limitations.I believe that this behavior is considered a moral value, in which you are taking responsibility for yourself, not just for the plants.
    The first is the responsibility for the plants you’ve purchased, which includes thinking about a variety of factors such as the type of soil to use and the appropriate amount of water to use. But, most importantly, I believe it places a greater burden on ourselves. Many of us are being influenced by what we see during this pandemic. And it appears that our mental health is being put to the test this season. One thing we must assess and care for is our mental health, which is entirely our responsibility.
    Buying and collecting plants is a good idea that can help us during this time, and I believe that this pandemic has a greater impact when it comes to discovering our true selves, assessing and discovering more of you. What you want, what you like. It’s as if it’s directing us to discover more about ourselves.

  9. Claire M Miravelis BSIT-2F3

    When this pandemic started all of us was affected, some of us find ways to avoid the boredom in staying at home. The best way was gardening and collecting different ornamental plants , through this home activity it helps to keep our sorrounding fresh and clean because this ornamental plants help to keep the air clean and it reduce fresh air. Through gardening and collecting plants we can find happiness because this plants can lighten our moods in this time of pandemic.

  10. Angelo T. Elare BSIT 2F3

    Plants play a vital role in the lives of some people around the world. Some people are collecting plants because it make them happy, it satisfy their desires so I think this behavior is part of our value system beacuse they strongly feel attached to the plants which they will taking care of and nurture it. They think that collecting plants is something that is worthwhile.

    I think what influences this behavior is their desires to keep a plant not just beacuse it is trend beacuse collecting plants is expensive and you have to be committed to them or else they will die and I don’t think so that this behavior is influenced by trend beacuse before the pandemic or when its started to trend there are lots of people collecting plants already.

  11. Anchel B. Erecido BSIT 2F3

    As the COVID-19 pandemic limits face-to-face events, many individuals have taken the factor of purchasing or collecting ornamental plants. From my standpoint, I can comprehend this behavior into our value system owing to the fact that ornamental plants can give us the feeling of liveliness which can be very beneficial to improve our state of mind. Looking back at the face-to-face limitations, we are certain that this restriction could highly affect our mental health in which is why most people purchase ornamental plants to keep themselves busy and to keep their mentality stable. This behavior influences us to have a positive outlook in our entity boosting ourselves to be productive and motivated.

  12. Khea Joy S. Juanico 2F3

    Yes, this behavior is part of our Value system. It especially became a hit during this pandemic as most people have to stay in their houses in order to secure their safety. Barter system helped a lot in collecting plants. Through online, a person can now easily purchase a plants in their own choice, bought in a cheaper price or in exchange to what they already have. Some people are also influenced by the people that surrounds them, others are out of habit. As people value beauty and purification, staying at home or having a vacant time move them to work in their garden, whether it’s only a small area or a wider one. It became part of their daily or weekly routine because people believe it’s essential. It’s worth your effort and worth to spend time with. It’s worth to wait, that when it finally grow, you’d feel the happiest and most satisfied. It’s a form of relaxation, and it’s pleasing to the eyes. Giving a clearer mindset and vision. One’s labor would surely paid off that’s why people value and work on it so much.

  13. Melvin M. Villanueva BSIT-2F3

    Plants become hit during this pandemic, in my own opinion this is part of our behavioral Value system as a Filipino. Despite the fact that mostly Filipino especially our beloved parents love to plants trees and flowers etc. Now that we are facing this pandemic covid19 and we are lock down in our own houses and some of the parents work from home and the boredom strike, so instead of getting bored and depress we are looking some of interesting thing to do during quarantine that might be good for our physical and mental health, and that is buying and gardening plants. I believe that plants/flower has a help to improve our mood and relieves stress and anxiety. The bottom line of my idea is the positive side of pandemic, that pandemic influences us to bring closer to our mother nature.

  14. Planting plant is our behavior especially this pandemic, many people are fond of plants and planting various plants such as vegetables, flowers and ornamentals. By this behavior we can meet new friends because barter of things is also popular. Example of bartering thing into foods, plant to plant etc.
    Many plants have different benefits and bad effects, such as if you have a pet dog at home, you seem to be hesitant to buy because if your pet eats it, something can happen.
    Planting ornamental plants can help us because it can improve the environment and improve the breeze. Influences this behavior because of being bored because of the pandemic and also because of being bored in the area.

  15. Andrea Isabelle C. Palma

    Plants and collecting ornamental plans become papular when the pandemic started. I think it by influence by mother’s ho love to take care and collect plans. It’s necessary to a mother to have kids right away but they still want to nurture and to take care of something and plants is one perfect for that. For millennials even though they staying in their houses they want to still connected to nature and to have peace in mind. Some of plants lover collecting it just to satisfy them self and some of them collecting it to sell to support financially.

  16. Michelle O. Nalangan BSIT 2-F3

    We all know that when the pandemic started, many of us were worried and overthinking so much because most of us lost our jobs, and it is hard to overthink everything. That is why one of the best ways to forget about this pandemic is to be a plantita or plantito. It will also be a big help for us financially because we can sell it or barter it. In my own opinion, this behavior is part of our value system because value defines what is worth and what is beneficial, and being a plantito/plantita is one way of giving value to what we are doing, which is to take good care of plants and also to give value to our mental health to avoid thinking about the effect of this pandemic on our daily lives. I’ve also learned in our discussion that if you value something that is worth it, you will probably achieve your plans and goals in life. This behavior is influenced by society because most of us were affected by the pandemic. That is why plantitos and plantitas go out of their way to lessen the problem that the pandemic brought to us. They give more value in their time so that it does not go to waste. A pandemic cannot stop us from achieving our goals. It is only a sign that we need to be strong and focused on our plans and goals.

  17. Leslie D. Carnaje BSIT 2-F3

    Several people have become addicted to collecting ornamental plants during this pandemic.The plantita’s and plantito’s have become their hobbies, buying and taking care of ornamental plants. In my own opinion, I can relate this behavior to our value system because of the fact that plantita’s and plantito’s collecting ornamental plants becomes their stress reliever and source of happiness while caring for them. Along the lines of our discussion, happiness is also part of our values and behaviors. These people who enjoy collecting ornamental plants are inspired by our society, as well as their friends and families who also enjoy collecting plants.

  18. Lyka C.Oscianas BSIT 2F3

    As the pandemic started and continues until now, many people are staying home no work ,no outdoor activity ,no face to face classes and because of it many people are starting to do things that will help them lessen their stress.For example our mothers starting buying different types of ornamental plants because one morning she saw a beautiful plant in your neighbor’s backyard ,so she decided to buy also and she wanted to have more to make your garden more pretty than before.As time goes by, some of your neighbors are also starting planting plant ,it became their escape to the reality of pandemic also to bring a little joy to them.

  19. Yes, because based on the definition itself, value is a belief or strong feeling of individual that what they’re into is worthwhile. They freely choose to try as well the trend of keeping and collecting ornamental plants. We do know, that during pandemic two types of ornamental keepers were present: one, who collect for he/she likes and became a hobby or leisure for them and second, who use for business purposes. But nevertheless, I see value in both aspects because both have reasons and goals why they are into ornamental plants. That, both are benefited and establish a relationship between their selves and the world.

  20. Marien L. Alcantara 2F3

    In this time of pandemic many people are now addicted in taking care of plants they are also called ” plantita and plantito”. In my own opinion this behavior is part of our value system because they are giving value in plants like in our discussion value is about the things that you give important and this “plantito and plantita” is one of it because they gave important in ornamental plants that they plant. The people who is surrounded them influences this behavior like friends, neighbors or other people who’s also love planting ornamental plants.

  21. Lorraine D. Resurreccion. BSIT2F3

    Planting a plants and collecting of of it is a big help and a good destruction on our situation. This pandemic/crisis that we are facing right now affect our living mental health. Some of us feel uneasy, stress and may cause anxiety. And on my own opinion; Yes, this behavior is a part of our value system. Why? Because values form the foundation of one’s life. We are the one who dictate what choices we should make, whether it’s about our life activities. And as a 19 years old student who facing also this crisis I can feel also the feeling of stress that some of us may feel. And I believe planting and collecting a plants is a thing that we may value right now because it is a good help in destruction for those people who looking some piece of mind. Plants provide positive impact for people like us in this situation. It may boost your mood, concentration, reduce your stress or toxic feeling and every material things we have carries different types of importance which positively influence overall life satisfaction. Took care of plants influence us in a way that it give direction to you, help you and establish you what destruction you should think that may help you to clear your mind, to know what is good and to guide your value not to affect your goals, behavior and decisions while facing this crisis.

  22. In my own perspective, buying and collecting ornamental plants is a behavior part of our value system in a sense that it gives us a structure and purpose by helping ourselves on what is meaningful and important to us. Our value system sorrounding with ornamental plants helps us increase our mood and productivity. Additionally, looking at ornamental plants whether outdoor or indoor can relieves stress and anxiety, increases memory and concentration, generate happiness, and improves relationships with others. Having these greenery and unique air-purifiers in our homes have significant roles which regulates humidity and increase levels of positivity and help us feel more relaxed and calm that benefits our every day mood, behaviour and will enhance our life. Hence, interaction with ornamental plants, both outdoor and indoor can influence our behaviors.

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