Air purifying plants. Pollution is around us, especially if you live in a city with tall buildings surrounding your place. Living in these kinds of sites can have unwanted side effects on the people living in them. These side effects can be the loss of the air pathway to reach each residing in the place. Lacking the proper wind flow can lead to pollution within the building or house that can cause some sickness like asthma or sick building syndrome.
Every piece of furniture or material inside our house carries different types of pathogens and eliminates these threats. We need to secure air flow inside our homes to prevent other diseases within the area.
NASA discovered in 1989 that houseplants could withstand pollution and other harmful toxins from the air. These plants can clear the air, especially those enclosed places with a small amount of air flowing. The latest studies refer to this as a reference for plants and their ability to clean the air. Considering the availability of plants, it is more efficient, natural, cost-effective, and therapeutic to someone who chooses to take a plant indoors.
These plants can increase the mood and productivity of an individual. It is also said that having a plant in your room can boost your memory and challenge your concentration. If you are having a hard time, these plants can also relieve your stress and fatigue every time you spend a moment with these greeny-mini natural and unique air purifiers.
If you have pet animals inside your house, you may want to reconsider buying a plant. Because of plants’ chemical and biological components, some of these can be harmful and toxic to your pets. You may ask for assistance regarding your situation in the nearby clinic because allergies and safety are not easy to deal with.
Increasing the number of plants within your house can also increase the number of molds growing on your home because of the effect of the plants in the humidity inside an area. There are simple ways to prevent and remove molds, like letting the water drain on a tray. You can also use sub-irrigation planters if needed.

Areca Palms [Chrysalidocarpus Lutescens]
Can you believe that this small plant can be found in Madagascar? Yes! And it is easier to outgrow this plant outside. However, you can still plant this indoors if you have bright filtered lights. Its arching leaves will add more aesthetic effects inside your room. It can also eliminate benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and other toxic chemicals that are indeed trapped inside your space. The other good thing about this plant is it is not harmful to your pets. You can put this anywhere. To prevent it from dying, ensure that it receives a lot of water, except during winter.

Chrysanthemums [Chrysanthemum Morifolium]
This plant is well-known for being the right air purification plant. Mums are ranked first for air purification in vast arrays of households. They are said to clearing the toxins that people usually deal with, including ammonia. Take note that this plant can only bloom once in six weeks. The flowers of this plant are necessary for purifying the air. If you have a problem waiting, you can buy a new plant with a flower. Always notice the moisture of the plant and leave it damp. Mums, even having an attractive name, you should be strictly pulling your pets around from it because this plant is toxic for them. It can eliminate formaldehyde, xylene, benzene, and, as I said, ammonia.

This houseplant has different variations like having a different shape, size, and even color. To keep it growing, make sure that the soil is damp, but always remember that it should not be soggy. Excessive water can lead to the death of the plant. Do not let your pets eat dracaenas because it can make them vomit or salivate more, worst. They’ll have dilated pupils. It decreases the amount of formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, and trichloroethylene roaming around your house.

Golden Pothos [Epipremnum Aureum]
Golden Pothos is devil’s ivy that plant lovers and garden wanderers always seek. It can grow up to 8 feet long, and many individuals consider it one of the most effective air purifiers. Constantly water the dry soil, then trim the tendrils growing when the plant increases in size. It would be best if you did not also let your pets have this as much as possible; keep it out of the reach of your loving pets. Golden Pothos can lessen the amount of formaldehyde, xylene, toluene, benzene, carbon monoxide, and more toxins inside your home.

Spider Plant [Chlorophytum Comosum]
Spider Plants are also known as air plants that reproduce in a basket hanging in your space. It yields lovely white floral blooms, and it is desirable. This plant has 200 varieties, some of which are unfamiliar to us. Taking care of this plant needs to have a watering schedule of twice or thrice a week. This plant is safe and non-toxic. If ever there are instances that children are playing around, letting it hang on the rear window or in any part of your room can make it more beneficial. It removes formaldehyde and xylene.

Bamboo Palms [Chamaedorea Seifrizil]
This plant is known for its distinctive elegance and its incredible height. The perfect place for this plant is a lighted area but not get a direct hit from the sun rays. Bamboo palms also require multiple preferences in taking care of them. However, it can improve the air’s moisture content despite having a long time of caring. Leave the plant’s soil moist so that it won’t die quickly. You must also put it inside a space where the air moves freely. Spider mites are the frequent antagonist in the bamboo palms story, so you must mist it daily. It is safe for pets, and the good thing about it is you can enjoy your time with plants and animals. This plant can quickly eliminate formaldehyde, benzene, carbon monoxide, xylene, chloroform, and many more toxins.

Chinese Evergreen [Aglaonema]
These evergreens are native to the forests of Asia. It is not only attractive but can also remove toxins that can be found in the air. However, it would be best to be more careful and attentive in taking care of this plant. Water it daily and let the compost dry out before watering it again. Chinese evergreen is hard to maintain because of the need for it humidity, misting, and even repotting. These plants are toxic for your dogs, so keep them away from their reach. It can eliminate carbon monoxide, benzene, and other toxins.

English Ivy [Hedera Helix]
This is another climbing plant that is best for adapting to indoor conditions. It has different varieties, from bright but indirect light to low-light spaces. You can put it on a basket and hang it or display it around your windowsill. Don’t forget to water it during its growth; this needs more attention than you expected, but you can lessen the water around winter days. It can cause problems for animals; not only that, but it can also cause allergies or dermatitis for those who have sensitive skin.

Rubber Plants [Ficus Elastic]
Rubber plants originated in India, and their roots can grow upwards. It can be attached to a plant’s trunk, making different shapes. They must have bright light, filtered, and more than much attention. Keep the soil moist (especially during winter), and don’t forget to trim them to make them more attractive. Rubber plants are, yes, toxic for your pets, so keep them out of their reach.
There are many ways to purify the air flowing around your house, and plants are only one of these. You can keep your floor clean, reducing the humidity and increasing the ventilation of your place. Please do not rely on plants; they can also help you spend time at something productive and organic. Take a step now and look for plants to keep the air inside your area fresh for a new beginning!
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